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by Neil Godfrey

While we clog our synapses with irrelevant ancient texts let’s hope Guy McPherson has it wrong . . . . .



And part 2 with some pretty good priorities . . . .


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Neil Godfrey

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6 thoughts on “Priorities”

  1. Yes, AGW nihilism is just not helpful at all. It’s a shiny blackness that distracts us from keeping our eyes on the ball – which is how to stop burning carbon.

    It also encourages a fatalism that makes the perfect the enemy of the good – that deploying renewable infrastructure is not the answer, because the real problem is _______. ( Insert: capitalism; economic growth; hedonism; sin; failure to embrace suffering; overpopulation; resource depletion; energy ROI, etc)

    1. Overpopulation? It’s unevenly distributed. Some areas (e.g., parts of California, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Mauritania, Vietnam, Bangladesh) are very over-populated. Some areas (e.g., northern Guatemala, much of Botswana, Turkmenistan, Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Nicaragua, Eritrea, Oman, Guyana, Iceland, Laos) are very under-populated. The world population growth rate, like many things, peaked in 1969.

  2. Yes, I’m quite familiar with Guy McPherson and his VERY Near Term Human Extinction hypothesis. By 2030 CE. In my opinion, it’s not helpful at all; in fact it’s counter-productive, because as soon as the mainstream media notices it, the news traffickers will be barking “DOOMER PORN!!! — Details at Eleven.” And then when they do the report, they’ll paint all the climate change mitigation activists with the same broad brush as represented by Prof.-Emeritus McPherson and the like.

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