
A Hi Turnover 14/15

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

by Neil Godfrey

Just to say Hi to readers, glad you stopped by whether to comment or just lurk, and wishing you well for the coming year.



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Neil Godfrey

Neil is the author of this post. To read more about Neil, see our About page.

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15 thoughts on “A Hi Turnover 14/15”

  1. Thanks for doing what you do. This is one of the first places I check each day as the posts and the comments are both well worth reading. Though mostly a lurker, my silence is not indicative of my interest and appreciation.

  2. Happy New Year from foggy but beautiful San Francisco, Neil! I agree: Thanks for all you do and keep up the brilliant work in 2015!
    All the best,
    -David Fitzgerald

  3. Another one who mainly lurks here.
    Thanks for all your work, it really is appreciated.
    I read every word.
    I don’t believe in Facebook though.

        1. There was a movie in 1936 called China Clipper. In it, the plane gets caught in a storm and they lose radio contact with their home base. For a few minutes you hear the radio operator chanting: “China Clipper calling Alameda.”

          Now, why Davy Jones said “a-luh-MEE-tuh” — I have no idea.

  4. Thanks everybody. And let me ask a favour. I think Vridar has a lot to contribute to a wider audience still. Please grab opportunities to alert others to this blog. Wishing you all a great 2015.

  5. Best wishes, Neil and Tim! My favorite blog…keep them honest. One request: If you could step up the pacing a bit, I would appreciate it…those days without a new post to read are long and dreary. ;).

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