For subscribers to this blog who received notice of a published post a few moments ago, I must apologize and plead the excuse that there appears to be a glitch with WordPress in that at a certain stage of editing an “Update” button suddenly turns into a “Publish” button, with result that the unwary editor can be easily misled. What should be a routine keyboard “update” click actually ends up launching a Mars mission before they had time to board the astronauts, the gyroscope, the instrument panel, and the computer communication systems.
Damn WordPress!
Neil Godfrey
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Now for something completely different.
Are you following Bart Ehrman at Huffpo where he is, so I believe, saying mythicists are akin to holocaust deniers [sound familiar?] and birthers, that there is a strong case for an HJ partly, again so I believe, because the speeches in Acts predate the gospels?
Or something like that, my info is second hand and may be garbled.
But, if accurate, then its sad to see a scholar [?] descend to such levels.
Jerry Coyne has commented on this at Why Evolution is True.
The following is from Michael Shermer’s Why People Believe Weird Things.
Every one of these points, from my observation, applies to scholars who are attempting to denigrate mythicism, but I have not seen mythicists like Doherty or Wells or Price or Zindler or Salm or Ellegard or Thompson fall into any of these types of fallacious reasonings.
How many times do we see scholars attacking mythicism by means of declaring the whole conclusion false because of a few errors in some of the arguments, quoting mythicists out of context and misleadingly, and contending that because mythicists disagree the whole thing must be wrong? — Yet each one of these grounds is applicable to the holocaust denier, so says Michael Shermer.
It is nice to know that I am not the only one that faces challenges with WordPress
The post that went out prematurely has since been revised and posted as Historical Jesus Studies as Pseudo-History: Bart Ehrman’s Jesus As a Case-Study.