
The Family: fundamentalist threat to American democracy

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by Neil Godfrey

An article recently published in AlterNet:

The Family: Secretive Christian Group of Conservative Lawmakers Building a ‘God-Led’ Government

Jeff Sharlet, the journalist who helped expose a cohort of powerful lawmakers promoting a Christian Agenda at home and abroad, discusses his new book.

The Family, also known as the Fellowship, is a cohort of powerful lawmakers seeking to create a “God-led government” at home and abroad. Chief among the journalists who brought the Family to light is Jeff Sharlet, author of the new book, C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. (The title of the book refers to the Washington townhouse that serves as the gathering place and sometime residence of Family members.)


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Neil Godfrey

Neil is the author of this post. To read more about Neil, see our About page.

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0 thoughts on “The Family: fundamentalist threat to American democracy”

  1. I object to allowing nefarious groups to co-opt common words and thereby destroy their meanings. By calling these freaks “the Family” you are doing the work of evil. Refuse them the name they desire.

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