Scandalous. And it’s probably all Donald Trump’s fault! (Seriously…. that’s what the article does suggest)

“Given that the article has been widely debunked, what would lead the Washington Post to tweet it out, essentially rerunning it? . . . .
As with so much news coverage these days, the answer to why this essay ran may well boil down to two words: Donald Trump. . . .
It is perfectly acceptable to explore the historic nature of Jesus. It happens in colleges across the world every day. But it should be done in a way that is respectful and balanced. The Washington Post article is neither. . . . .
The protection of minority religious views that media has extended to Islam and Judaism must now be offered to Christianity, as well. Attacks on Christian belief are no longer a redress of historical inequality, they are now simply bigoted. And they need to stop.”
The cause of the alarm at such dire threats to the foundations of our society . . . .
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