
The Week Following Brussels

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by Neil Godfrey

A week ago today it was Brussels. Since then — in a mere seven days . . . .

As in my previous post the numbers on the left indicate the number of terrorist attacks.

Mid East
(minus Africa)
Africa South and
SE Asia
Europe N and
S America
2 — 9 dead
2 — 2 dead
1 — 1 dead
1 — 1 dead
2 — 50 dead
DR Congo
1 — 2 dead
1 — 72 dead
1 — 2 dead
1 — 4 dead
2 — 8 dead
1 — 1 dead
7 — 10 dead
West Bank
1 — 0 dead
1 — 26 dead
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Neil Godfrey

Neil is the author of this post. To read more about Neil, see our About page.

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3 thoughts on “The Week Following Brussels”

    1. Same source as for the previous post: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_terrorist_incidents,_January%E2%80%93June_2016

      Glasgow: A Muslim man fatally stabbed a Muslim English shopkeeper after he praised the life of Jesus and ‘his beloved Christian nation’, while wishing people a happy Easter online

      Horrifically– I have had to update the above post since this morning. One week was not completely gone and already more attacks and deaths. This is a global phenomenon and I suspect it’s less than helpful to reserve outrage for Western deaths.

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