Valerie Tarico’s article is published in Alternet:

Musings on biblical studies, politics, religion, ethics, human nature, tidbits from science
Valerie Tarico’s article is published in Alternet:
Correction (27 Feb 2015): I should have given priority to Alernet's publication of Valerie Tarico's article. It was published on Alternet a day before it also appeared on her blog.
Valerie Tarico last September ruffled a few feathers with her article on mythicism (see Fear in the Heart of a Bible Scholar) and then followed up with an article in The Humanist outlining the views of James McGrath, Raphael Lataster and yours truly. (See Savior? Shaman? Myth? Ink Blot? — Views of Lataster, McGrath and Godfrey).
Valerie’s most recent post is
Nine “Facts” You Know For Sure About Jesus That Are Probably Wrong
It’s not about mythicism this time but it does link to four Vridar posts to illustrate some of her points.