
Updated Who’s Who

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by Neil Godfrey

I have updated the Who’s Who of Mythicists page to include brief descriptions of the arguments of each mythicist author in the table.

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Neil Godfrey

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One thought on “Updated Who’s Who”

  1. Thanks for adding me to the list. I’m about a month away from publishing my latest piece on Jesus historicity, which I honestly think (hate to oversell it) will be the most compelling case ever put forward to show that Jesus never existed.

    My case relies almost entirely on analysis of the Gospels, including most of the non-canonical Gospels as well.

    What I’m calling my theory at this point is the “Fictional Jesus Theory” (FJT), which basically states that The Gospel of Mark was written as a fictional story, intended to be understood as a fictional story by the original author, and that this fictional story was then unwittingly misunderstood by people who thought it was literally true, who then used it as the basis for all other accounts of a real human Jesus.

    I basically trace everything back and show how it can be proven that every narrative about Jesus ultimately stems from the Gospel of Mark, and show how it can be proven that major events in the Gospel Of Mark, which are repeated in other accounts, can be proven not to have occurred.

    I also address the other major figures in the Gospel stories and early Christian literature, such as Paul, Peter, James, John, and the other so-called disciples, calling out who was real, who wasn’t and how much was fabricated about each of the figures.

    It’s going to be good. I’ll let you know when I publish it.

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