The passage in Galatians (2:7-8) that civilly explains how Paul and Peter were each separate but equal apostles, the former preaching the gospel to the gentiles and the latter to the Jews, is evidently a second century catholicizing attempt to re-write history and bring the two apostles into the same “orthodox” fold. The idea of separate apostleships and gospels for the Jewish and Gentile worlds was unknown till the second century. It is certainly foreign to the thought of Paul found in the rest of his correspondence. Continue reading “The anti-marcionite, catholicizing Peter-Paul equivalence in Galatians”
Category: Religion and Atheism
Distinct from Biblical Studies. Includes studies in origins and nature of religious ideas; posts on religions in history and contemporary world (e.g. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism.) Should this include post-biblical Christianity and rabbinical Judaism of late antiquity, the direct outgrowths of Second Temple era? Also includes various types of Christianity (e.g. fundamentalism) and debates with atheists. Posts on atheism and atheist world views per se are also included, of course. It does not include Islamism as the matrix of terrorism — that goes into Politics and Society. But here we get into a grey area. Compare social attitudes towards and criticisms of Islam related to Islamism and terrorism.
Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (11): Family Health Versus Dysfunction
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by Neil Godfrey
Final in this series on dysfunctional fundamentalist families: the rest are archived here.
Some of the dynamics of fundamentalist families are similar to those of other dysfunctional families. For example, in both fundamentalist and alcoholic families
- denial is strong
- prohibitions against perceiving, feeling and expressing are common
To recover from the experience of growing up in a dysfunctional family it is important to understand difficulties that may be experienced in such areas as those listed above. Understanding difficulties with denial and expressing feelings is important, but it is just as necessary to understand their positive counterparts. Continue reading “Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (11): Family Health Versus Dysfunction”
Millenarians and Nationalists
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by Neil Godfrey
As a past student of American history and society I relished catching up with more recent publications a couple of years ago and one of the more interesting was America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American Nationalism (2004) by Anatol Lieven. Sharing some notes from one section of this book — a discussion of the link between millenarian religious beliefs and American nationalism — with anyone else interested. Continue reading “Millenarians and Nationalists”
Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (10): physical and sexual abuse
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by Neil Godfrey
Continuing notes from Leaving the Fold by Marlene Winell, with added comments and discussion. Other posts in the series are archived here.
I see an awful lot of suppressed anger in fundamentalists — which is expressed politically. It’s also expressed toward children, who are treated in ferocious ways “You will behave. You will do these kinds of behaviors . . . . You’ll be punished . . . I think that anger is submerged and appears in family behaviors that are really destructive. And the kids suffer the most, I think, from that twisting and guilt tripping — an awful lot of fear. Instead of getting security, you get guilt and fear laid on you. (pp.125-6)
The above extract with which Marlene opens this section is the testimony of a child brought up in a god-fearing fundamentalist home. Marlene does not say that religious beliefs cause this sort of treatment of children but they do help cement the relationships of control that make it possible and often likely.
Child rearing
The fundamentalist views much of child rearing in terms of questions of control and appropriate punishments. And since the fundamentalist worldview fosters personal insecurity and interpersonal suspicions (discussed in previous posts), parents are rarely well equipped to be the most effective of parents to begin with. It is easy to imagine how leaders in any other institution or position of power who evidence such character flaws will cause so much grief, best intentions notwithstanding. Continue reading “Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (10): physical and sexual abuse”
Christian Zionism: Dispensationalism And The Roots Of Sectarian Theology
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by Neil Godfrey
A history of Dispensational Approaches by John Scott . . . .
Christian Zionism: Dispensationalism And The Roots Of Sectarian Theology
Related blog post: Christian Zionism: Assumptions and Dehumanization
Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (9): Fantasy and Denial
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by Neil Godfrey
updated 10.20 am
Continuing notes from one Marlene Winell‘s Leaving the Fold. Previous posts are archived here.
This is a tough one to write about because I’m not sure I’ve really come to terms with the extent of my own past denials.
Winell does quote a lengthy letter from an MK (missionary kid) and I’ll repeat a small section that does remind me of one of my past parenting moments:
As I got older, true to the family pattern, I was hard on my little brother. He went to Mom and said that I hated him. Mom said, “No, he doesn’t hate you,” and dismissed it, even though that is what I had said. (p.125)
The above letter goes on to describe the son’s attempts to discuss family issues with a mother who finds it too difficult or painful to admit reality — who avoids it and only speaks of things getting better all the time. Continue reading “Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (9): Fantasy and Denial”
The Call of Levi not to be one of the Twelve
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by Neil Godfrey
The Gospel of Mark contains a story about the call of Levi, a tax collector, to follow Jesus as one of his disciples, but then mystifies readers by not listing this person in the ranks of the famous Twelve. The reason this omission is so mystifying is that the call of Levi is described in a way that sounds every bit as if the reader is meant to see his calling on the same level of distinctiveness as the calling of the very leaders of the Twelve, Peter, James and John.
But to me the mystery is clarified when we interpret the two callings through the same frameworks we use to generally interpret Mark’s other double-up stories. Continue reading “The Call of Levi not to be one of the Twelve”
Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (8): contradictions
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by Neil Godfrey
Continuing notes from one Marlene Winell‘s Leaving the Fold. Although Family Background is the focus of this series of blog notes it is only one of 15 chapters in this book. Previous posts are archived here.
Consider the spiritual family model upheld by many Christian fundamentalists:
- God is the Father
- Jesus is the Son
- The Church is the Bride
- Christians are the children of the Father, and see themselves as brothers and sisters
Winell is not the only one to find it curious, even disturbing, that there is no Mother in this model. Continue reading “Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (8): contradictions”
Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (7): avoidance of responsibility
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by Neil Godfrey
I used to think that the best thing I could possibly do to get along with my spouse was to stay close to, even closer to, um, someone else!
Having a God who fills all our emotional needs can be great when it comes to our relationships with others. We can all claim the status of being “children” and focus on our own personal relationship with our heavenly Parent — and pray for one another, and our growing children. Easy. Or if we don’t like it sounding easy we could rather pray with sweat and tears and great agony of love for others. Make ourselves as saintly as possible.
But then when we return to our families we can feel closer to God than to them. Continue reading “Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (7): avoidance of responsibility”
Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (6): ever-present higher purpose
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by Neil Godfrey
(the full series is archived in the “RELIGION:Book reviews:Winell” category in the right column)
A dedicated religious life can be so busy (part of the problem but that’s another topic) that I used to draw up a priority list to help me keep my energies “correctly focussed” at all times. At the top of the list was always “God” or words similar to what that idea meant.
Continue reading “Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (6): ever-present higher purpose”
Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (5): devaluation of feelings
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
by Neil Godfrey
Continuing notes from Leaving the Fold (Marlene Winell) begun in Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (1):
(i’m keeping the full series here in the “RELIGION:Book reviews:Winell” category in right column)
Continue reading “Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (5): devaluation of feelings”
Death cults and indoctrination
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by Neil Godfrey
Two excellent interviews today on Radio National‘s The Spirit of Things program, one with cult counsellor Steven Hassan discussing the techniques of mind control and recruitment used for certain suicide and Islamic cults, comparing them with more traditional cults such as the Moonies; another with Abdel Bari Atwan, Editor-in-Chief of the London-based Arabic newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi, who first interviewed Osama bin Laden in 1996, discussing the desperation and indoctrination that leads people to join these groups.
Link to the interviews (podcast, livestreaming … transcript soon) and background details of the interviewees.
Points of interest that struck me with the interviews — Continue reading “Death cults and indoctrination”
Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (4): Stifling independent thought
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by Neil Godfrey
Any deviation from the one set of “true answers” in fundamentalist families is generally stifled by calling upon the infallible authority of their belief system.
Marlene Winell writes in Leaving the Fold:
In authoritarian families, children grow up resentful, and they learn to conform in order to get approval. They often have difficulty forming and expressing personal opinions later in life. (p.120)
Continue reading “Dysfunctional fundamentalist families (4): Stifling independent thought”
Richard Dawkins discusses The God Delusion and other things
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by Neil Godfrey
Last month Richard Dawkins was interviewed on The Science Show as part of the Sydney Writer’s Festival and transcript is now available — also the podcast and streaming audio for a short while longer.
The radio blurb:
The author of The God Delusion answers questions about his dismissal of God in front of an audience at the Sydney Writers’ Festival. Where does religion come from? Why should children be spared religious labels? Can we have ethical systems without God? And what if evidence was found that God does, indeed exist, would Professor Dawkins chuck a U-turn? This satellite discussion with Richard Dawkins in Oxford is chaired by Robyn Williams in Sydney.
Some issues that come up in the interview: Continue reading “Richard Dawkins discusses The God Delusion and other things”