In The History of the Synoptic Tradition by Rudolf Bultmann there is the following passage beginning page 236. But there’s a catch. I have not had the opportunity to track down any of the references I have cast in bold type — removing the bold as we locate them as per the comments. If you happen to be a person with an opportunity to identify any of those bolded references and point to where I can locate/read/translate them you are more than welcome to share that information in the comments section below.
There must also have been stories of walking on water in Hellenism. Admittedly it is hyperbole when Dio Chrysost. speaks of the power of Xerxes, that when he so wishes he is able πεζεύεσθαι μέν την θάλατταν, πλεϊσθαι δέ τά δρη. But the capacity to do so is often attributed to demons. P. Berol., I, 120 thus describes the power of the δαίμων πάρεδρος: πήξει δέ ποταμούς καί θάλασσα[ν συντ]όμως(?) καί οπως ένδιατρέχης (Reitzenstein, Hellenist. Wundererzaehlungen, p. 125). Also A. Dieterich, Abraxas, p. 190, 13: εγώ είμι ό έν ούρανω σχολήν έχων φοιτώμενός τε έν ύδατι, and on another tablet (Rhein. Mus., 55, 261, cp. 264): qui solus per mare transis. But according to Lucian, Philops., 13 the same things are reported of human wonder workers: είδες . . . τόν Ύπερβόρεον άνδρα πετάμενον ή έπ’ι τοϋ ϋδατος βεβηκότα. Further material may be found in A. Gercke, Jahrb. f . Philol. Suppl. X X II, 1895, pp. 205ff.; A. Abt, ‘Die Apologie des Apuleius von Madaura und die antike Zauberei’, Religionsgesch. Vers, u. Vorarb., IV, 2, 1908, pp. 129, 2. We may add from the Christian tradition: Hist. Aegypti monachorum XI, 18, p. 58; cp. XX, 16, p. 75, Preuschen; Ps. Cypr., Confess., 12.1 Indian parallels also come up for consideration in this regard, and there are stories of walking or flying over the water, which could even have influenced Hellenistic literature: cp. R. Garbe, Indien und das Christentum, 1914, pp. 57f. Most notable is a Buddhist parallel to Matt. 14 28-31 (the text is in J. Aufhauser, Jesus und Buddha, Kl. Texte, no. 157, p. 12). It tells of a disciple ‘who wanted to visit Buddha one evening and on his way found that the ferry boat was missing from the bank of the river Aciravati. In faithful trust in Buddha he stepped on to the water and went as if on dry land to the very middle of the stream. Then he came out of his contented meditation on Buddha in which he had lost himself, and saw the waves and was frightened, and his feet began to sink. But he forced himself to become wrapt in his meditation again and by its power he reached the far bank safely and reached his master.’ (Garbe, pp. 56f. and Buddhist. Maerchen, pp. 46f.) Garbe thinks that the gospel story was borrowed from the Buddhist tradition.2

1 In the language of Christian edification this miracle motif may have attained a symbolic significance and the walking on the water become the treading of the mythical waters of death, which Christ and his mystic followers achieve. Cp. Dibelius (Formgeschichte, p. 86) who adduces Od. Sol. 39: ‘He walked and went over them on foot, and his footprints stayed on the water and were not obliterated. . . . And a path was prepared for those who followed him.’ What the relation of Mand. Ginza R., II, 1, pp. 4ggf. Lidzb. is to this (Christ the seducer says, ‘I walk over the water, Come with me; you shall not drown’) can well be left undecided here.
2 Cp. W. Brown, The Indian and Christian Miracles of Walking on the Water, 1928. Saintyves, who again traces these stories to cultic origins (initiation rites) amasses a wealth of material, [P. Saintyves, Essais de Folklore Biblique, 1923], pp. 307-63. Cp. also Indianermaerchen aus Nordamerika, p. 31; Turkestan. Maerchen, p. 69; Muellenhoff, Sagen, etc., p. 351.
I did locate the reference to Brown, Indian and Christian Miracles… — it is available on –
Bultmann, Rudolf Karl. 1963. The History of the Synoptic Tradition. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
Dio Chrysostom. n.d. “Discourse 3.” LacusCurtius. Accessed March 13, 2019.*.html#ref11.
Neil Godfrey
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That is the framing story to Jataka Story #190. SĪLĀNISAṀSA-JĀTAKA.
[111] “Behold the fruit of sacrifice,” etc.–This story the Master told whilst staying in Jetavana, about a believing layman. This was a faithful, pious soul [sic], an elect disciple. One evening, on his way to Jetavana, he came to the hank of the river Aciravatī, when the ferrymen had pulled up their boat on the shore in order to attend service; as no boat could be seen at the landing-stage, and our friend’s mind being full of delightful thoughts of the Buddha, he walked into the river 1. His feet did not sink below the water. He got as far as mid-river walking as though he were on dry land; but there he noticed the waves. Then his ecstasy subsided, and his feet began to sink. Again he strung himself up to high tension, and walked on over the water. So he arrived at Jetavana, greeted the Master, and took a seat on one side. The Master entered into conversation with him pleasantly. “I hope, good layman,” said he, “you had no mishap on your way.” “Oh, Sir,” he replied, “on my way I was so absorbed in thoughts of the Buddha that I set foot upon the river; but I walked over it as though it had been dry ground!” “Ah, friend layman,” said the Master, “you are not the only one who has kept safe by remembering the virtues of the Buddha. In olden days pious laymen have been shipwrecked in mid-ocean, and saved themselves by remembering the Buddha’s virtues.” Then, at the man’s request, he told an old-world tale.
[As translated – with proper usage of the term the Buddha but without avoiding the word soul, which refers to an illusion – by W.H.D. Rouse, [1895]]
Paul was preserved from shipwreck several time… It’s Satan getting in first I tell yah!
That’s a start. Thank you.
I see your quote is from — a title page to the same text is at — and that that is the text cited by Aufhauser and Garbe.
Garbe I have located at
I have also identified Buddhist. Maerchen as Buddhistische Märchen aus dem alten Indien by Else Lüders.
So we’re under way.
Another one found:
P. Saintyves, Essais de Folklore Biblique, 1923 is at
From the Amazon preview at it looks as though Buddhistische Märchen aus dem alten Indien by Else Lüders is simply another source for The Buddhist’s #190 story. So we can cross that one off the list now.
Hellenistische Wundererzählungen
by Reitzenstein, Richard
“P. Berol., I, 120” refers to Papyrus Berolinensis I (page 120?)
Thanks Tim for the resources noted here…
Reitzenstein’s stuff is essential to understanding Hellenistic Elements regarding both the birth and the continuation of Christianity. I had to deal with those ideas long ago.
Klaus Schilling on this site must be consulted to fill in many missing pieces, mostly in symbolical and parabolic terms. You can find his very close connections with the Dutch Radical Scholars and other scholars……
Klaus, I am not aware if you have uploaded your commentary on a lot of the matters connected with this at this site… or if you directed others to the sources you long ago posted on issues related to historic Christianity and many aspects of the ancient world..
I started reading your stuff long ago..How interesting, enlightening, despite wondering no doubt about this or that interpretation about this or that source…. you have led the way for me in some fascinating ways…
Most of it was posted to the then extant JM list, and partly preserved by H. Detering at It might be still there, until the site gets deleted at some point for HD’s untimely departure from his secular existence.
Yet it ids low quality, as it was all hastily written and only thought for starting a possible discussion. It turns out that it had never in fifteen years been succeeded by a more professional treatment by a less fanatical and more competent writer, which would do justice to the DRS.
Thanks, Tim. I now have the Reitzenstein book but am still no closer to identifying the text on “P. Berol., I, 120 — Papyrus Berolinensis I”. It shouldn’t be so hard.
If I recall correctly, the text in question is in Coptic.
What is driving me to frustration is my inability to locate the text which contains the Greek quoted here:
Presumably it’s a Nag Hammadi text.
Here is p. 125 of Reitzenstein. Is there a clue in there that I am missing?
This might help:
Another step. Thanks.
Would like to add here a possible resource here for Buddhist parallels…
There is a scholar by the name of Christian Littner…. a highly trained Buddhist scholar who knows the stories of Jesus very well…
and in this regard one should also check out Dr. Robert M. Price’s interviews with this scholar . It might be a little tough but I bet most here skilled in search modes can find it… You will not be
Hope it helps folks..
“Rhein. Mus., 55, 261, cp. 264” refers to the periodical Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, volume 55
Great. The is very slow to open but volume 55 is also @ — The relevant pdf there is Wünsch, Richard: Neue Fluchtafeln Teil 2 [232]
So can anyone provide a better than machine translation (and save me from trying to painfully resurrect a bit of my own very ancient Latin learning) of the following?
From page 261
and from page 264
I know there are walking on water nuggets in both those ores somewhere.
That digital version is riddled by numerous scanning-errors, which will – in addition to the mixture of Greek, Latin, and obsolete German – frustrate human amateurs and render machine-translations vain and futile.
The contained bibliographical reference will also need to be resolved.
It turns out that not all apparent mistakes are introduced by the process of scanning.
Classic scholar Daniela Urbanová writes:
The Latin tabellae defixionum represent a special kind of epigraphic documents, the interpretation of which – as is well known – is often rather difficult. What complicates their understanding is the fact that the surviving texts are in many cases damaged or even fragmentary and contain many errors, depending on the education level of the writers who, in addition, used their imagination to produce their own variants and modifications of the current curse formulas. Therefore, it is necessary for the researcher to overcome the problems of text reconstruction caused by the lacuns as well as the exegetic problems concerning the specific and often rather strange wishes of the cursing persons. Many of these texts found either at the beginning of the 19th century or recently, require a new general reinterpretation. This paper presents new proposals and revisions of several curse tablets.
I want to say here that this site is so resourceful and highly on top of the most modern scholarship in the areas discussed here. And what Neil and the contributors have done here(not all equal though at certain points) are not hurting the pursuit of solid scholarship, but helping all of us who access here to (re)think much that has been taken for granted or simply assumed to be true. I know of no other site which offers a wide range of topics related to careful critical analysis of historically and scripturally related issues. And as for librarians in my life of main “teachers” in the best empirical methods and many more areas was Ralph Ewbank..I enven dedicated one of my theses dones in the late 70..s’ to him. I learned so much from him in the backroom, and I got to see all the new books that had just come in….
Let us all thank librarians who use their incredible skills and passions to help us get the stuff we need to become critical students and scholars,,, no matter what one believes in one’s heart..
In the beginning was language… and here we are today….still language… of many kinds….
And we need gifted people to help us keep getting smarter, more skillful, etc. to help everyone of us who needs this or that piece of info, book, person (prof. doctors, people with expertise) in various fields who don’t expect anyone to slavishly follow their views or our own to the T…
I like this site…it might be taxing at times with some who bents towards trolling and misrepresenting ” the other ” because of some belief or faith or whatever…
Isn’t it tough to give up what you might have thought for years was right and then it may only take one glitch to make it all come crashing down!
Jesus in the mythical stories of him talked a lot about “crashing down”… the rocks, the stohe mentioned just don’t mean the literal geological construction stones or pillars.. He was so bent on wanting every stone to come crashiing down on everything and everyone… real stones people and powers…….etc. Peter was perceived as a stone,, a stumbling stone causing the whole 12 to fall as well… and I can pile up collocation after collocation of all these fallen stones which tell a fascinating parabolic story to influence and impact the thought right up to our own day…
Can you walk on water if you are a stone like Jesus or Peter.??..or all the pillars that must come down….and speaking parabolically I hope the edifice of Biblical Scholarship as we have known it in twisted ways will come down…
I will probably be long many of us,,,,.but the kind of work done here must go on… even if for only those here that visit and like this site….
Cheers to being informed and to librarians who help us do that and should help us do that……
I think the Alfred Gerke reference is to:;view=1up;seq=219
Drat! I spelled Gercke’s name wrong above. I hate making that kind of mistake.
Dear Dennis S.
Nothing is available on that link. Please fix it if need be. I didn’t find anything there, unless I am blind! Hope not!
“A. Gercke, Jahrb. f . Philol. Suppl. XXII, 1895, pp. 205ff.” refers to an article called “Seneca-Studien” by Alfred Gercke in the 22nd supplement to the Jahrbücher für classische Philologie. There’s a Google scan available here:
(The correct date seems to be 1896.)
How odd. It works for me yet and I tested in a different browser just in case. An alternate url is provided by the site: That one any better? Re: the year, they list the Band 22 twice, once as 1895/96 and once as 1896. It says on this site it was digitized by Google. It also has a photo of the spine of the book, which does have 1895-96 on it. Perhaps this link will show it:
Googling “Seneca-Studien” by Alfred Gercke brings us to — the whole kaboozle is there. From what I have seen through a machine translation of pages 205 to 207 at least is that the discussion is about miracles and prodigies in general, nothing re walking on water it seems.
The Hathi Trust page gives bibliographic details of the work but says copyright restrictions prevent it from being made public. Machine processing appears to have outstripped human intelligence in this case since it is available in
It should be Matt. 14 28-31 instead of Matt. 142 8-31.
“Mordamerika” should be “Nordamerika”.
There are several museums named for the river Rhine, but Rhein.Mus. should be specifically Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. Its journal is archived at The article quoted should be by Richard Wünsch, Neue Fluchttafeln, II (I found the quoted phrase there on page 261).
Thank you for the corrections. I wish I had scrolled down to your comment before getting sidetracked above and finding my own laborious way to Richard Wünsch, Neue Fluchttafeln, II. But we have it now, thanks — and I’ve copied the relevant pages for translation in a comment above.
Lucian’s Philops is short for Philopseudes. It’s the same Lucian who wrote also about Demonax and Proteus Peregrinus.
I can only find a Historia monachorum in &Aelig;gypto.
Klaus, what was meant to be in the text that got scrambled? I will try to follow that up some more.
Appreciate pointing out the Lucian abbreviation. I’ve copied the relevant section in another comment below.
Historia monachorum in Ægypto, a classic hagiographic story assigned to one Rufinus of Aquileia, a contemporary and rival of St. Jerome of the Vulgata fame. I located a modern English translation at . Chapter XI of this is titled Helenus, about the miraculous deeds of a monk.
Thanks again. There’s a similar miracle walk at — he crosses the Nile with the water only coming up to his knees. I suppose that’s a sign he is not as pure as Jesus was.
Philopseudes = Lover of Lies in most English editions. See and
Also importantly a modern collection of miracle parallels is:
Wendy Cotter, Miracles in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Routledge, 2012)
She lists a tale of Hermes walking (more like running) on water but I don’t recall specifics.
Another thanks. Yes, of course. From the Loeb edition:
Yes, have the Cotter book, thanks. But looking specifically for Bultmann’s refs. (I recall Dennis MacDonald discussing Hermes skimming or “flying?” splash-height over the water.)
And make sure to check the date of any Buddhist text (not just the “book” but the version, since some books may have had texts added later, just like the OT did). I often find these things don’t securely have pre-Christian dates.
Are there any more references in bold that have yet to be obtained?
I’m sorry I haven’t had time to check for any, but this topic reminded me of a tradition we (Muslims) have in our scriptures. It is most likely obtained from Nestorian/Ebionite sources from people who eventually converted.
Once someone asked Jesus,”How are you able to walk on water?” Jesus replied, “With certainty.” Then someone said, “But we also have certainty!” Jesus then asked them, “Are stone, clay, and gold equal in your eyes?” They replied, “Certainly not!” Jesus responded, “They are in mine.” (Ahmad)
I have been un-bolding each reference as I locate it with the help of commenters. What you see bolded is still to be tracked down.
For the sources involving buddhism, René Salm should be most competent person to ask, especially since his series of comments on late Hermann Deterings’s work describing potential buddhist influences on the NT.
The article of Adam Abt belongs to the periodical Religionsgeschichtliche Versuche und Vorarbeiten. Reprint editions are listed at
Ouch! Those reprints are $A70 each! Even though they are obviously out of copyright.
But thanks again to identifying the periodical since I have found the Adam Abt article Bultmann cites in
The cite indicates the relevant volume is not included but one has to do a bit of trial and error picking on links without clear bibliographic information to find it.
Not sure if this fits what you’re looking for but in the ancient Egyptian books of the Netherworld there’s scenes where 12 beings are drowning in water(primordial waters of Nun) and Horus tells them to “stand up” and “walk” and “take power over the water”. The waters are the primordial waters of Nun which have a purifying and regenerating power. The sun god enters them order to resurrect or be reborn.
The Ancient Egyptian Netherworld Books By John Coleman Darnell, Colleen Manassa Darnell
Sorry about all the typos.
René Salm evidences in one of his comments of late H. Detering’s works that ben Nave, the second name of Joshua of the OT, can be derived from Egyptian Nun.
I’ve heard that before. Apparently in Aramaic Nun means “fish” which obviously has connections to water. Not sure if there’s any relation though.
I think there’s a connection between the parting/crossing of waters, the flood, baptism, and Nun/primordial waters. They all seem to be associated with rebirth or new life in some way.
Yes, nightshade (sorry can’t eat night – shade plants anymore, except potatoes!) Just being a bit funny …in any event
I once read a great couple of books years ago that are classic re this….
Philip Eisler’s works..I recall Orpheus the Fisher… what an eye-opener..and he is no crank…
Also, as far as I can recall Jesus and John the Baptizer…
Read these books and you will find something there that will shed much light on lots of these kinds of myths about water-men…. Jesus arose alive out of the deadening waters of baptism… He was initiated in the water…hence all kinds of links with OT and NT etc. motifs…… eg. John 3 being born again in water…I think Jesus was “born” anothen…that is from above…. via water…though John does not want to place too much on Jesus actually being baptized by a human being….
Also “spirit” in John is equated with “water” stuff…. quite substantival…giving hints of Stoicism….and the Stoic view of “spirit”.. hence spirits have some sort of substance…eg. Paul as well… “body” a subtle form of “matter”.)
Anyway, hope everyone checks out those books…so interesting…and again,,, not crank literature..
Yes Jesus the water man birthed in water via submission to John the baptist in the waters of death and life… (romans 6!).
So he can now bestow the water of the spirit through the “belly” or kolia of the Father since in John he is always present in the kolia of the Father himself…
All these water motifs..walking, birthing etc. are so fascinating… Yes, Jesus as son of God in John received in the flesh “sonship” .He became God’s son”” =Israel/Jacob’s ladder.. both descent and ascent of the Logos….. When I studied patristics at Marquette I focused on baptismal and initiatory rites..and the baptismal fonts or pools were birthing places… just a baby comes out of the water of the womb !!! A mystery so wonderful… I just met my grand-daughter in the flesh this week on my birthday…what a gift….
Despite our debates about this being true or that being true historically or even spiritually I love I lot of these stories at so many levels… Obviously the gospel of John is about the power of “language” , transcendent or otherwise, to make stuff happen!!!!
Have fun folks….
Thanks for the book recommendations.
You find all this baptismal/regenerating/purifying water symbolism in ancient Egyptian relgion.
I was just reading about the Orphics and how they associated being reborn with milk. So instead of water there seems to be some connection with being reborn through milk.
Instructions for the Netherworld: The Orphic Gold Tablets By Alberto Bernabé Pajares, Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal
Milk as a symbol of immortality in the “Orphic” gold tablets from Thurii and Pelinna by Stian Torjussen
Joshua=Jesus, the earliest Xtian symbol?… a fish, from the acrostic Ι</>εσος Χ</>ριστος Θ</>εος Υ</>ιος Υ</>Σ</>οτερ = Jesus Christ: God, Son(of God), & Saviour. ΙΧΘΥ=ICHTHYS=FISH. The connection rather slaps your face à la Monty Python. Joshua means Yah Saves, so Soter is seemingly redundant but the phrase forms something of a chiasmus thereby. And a chiasmus is marking with a Χ, the common contraction for Christ: Wheels within wheels; which is Ezekiel 1:16… but then again I could be over-thinking this. 🙂
Gah! My HTML fooh foohed off! Hopefully this posts properly.
Joshua=Jesus, the earliest Xtian symbol?… a fish, from the acrostic Ιεσος Χριστος Θεος Υιος Σοτερ = Jesus Christ: God, Son(of God), & Saviour. ΙΧΘΥ=ICHTHYS=FISH. The connection rather slaps your face à la Monty Python. Joshua means Yah Saves, so Soter is seemingly redundant but the phrase forms something of a chiasmus thereby. And a chiasmus is marking with a Χ, the common contraction for Christ: Wheels within wheels; which is Ezekiel 1:16… but then again I could be over-thinking this. 🙂
I wanted to conclude that last entry with reinforcing the clear hermeneutic in John’s gospel that clearly shows that his agenda to get people to “believe” , not necessarily in the parables or enigmatic , symbolical elements in the Gospels , of which John seems to be the epitome of the gospels… the author of John would like you to believe his story over others.. and not one gospel writers does what this author does… He says his gospel is the one to believe and not some other… and by the way…Jesus talks absolutes as he does throughout the whole gospel…
according to John you must believe without evidence!!!!!! Read the resurrection accounts…they are hilarious and weird in John with respect to this issue….
Also here…. JohnG is clear that the Logos has power over “water” anykind of water since he made it… He can walk on water…… and the word is not subject to gravity…..
there is obviously more in these water stories..
of all the nT authors..John is really into water…
The search for Ps.Cypre. Confess is a horror-trip. I found at least two different Saint Cyprians, one of Carthage, the other of Antioch. Either of them has triggered pseudo-Cyprians.
The Carthagene has inspired a medieval work known as De duodecim abusivi sæculi, a moral treatise. As far as I can infer from excerpts, there is no thaumaturgy involved.
Cyprian of Antioch has left a series of traditions. He was a heathen thaumaturge who, upon failing in applying charms to virtuous Christian virgin Justina, converted to Christianity and then martyred. Pseudo-epigraphs in his name appeared in the eighteenth century and are hardly much older. There is a theosophic text Confessions of Cyprianus, the penitent sorcerer of Antioch. The following apologistic orthodox site mentions that Cyprian of A taught walking on water:
Thence I suppose that Bultmann alludes to Cyprian of Antioch but still cannot locate his source.
How about this link — it’s to a pdf download: –It’s an MA thesis that includes a translation of Cyprian’s Confessions. It contains the following passage:
On to Aufhauser …
I encountered the following more explicit online biographical references:
^page 147 note 1 Cf. “Buddha und Jesus in ihren Paralleltexten,” zusammengestellt Aufhauser, von J. B., Bonn, 1926 (Kleine Texte für Vorlesungen u. Uebungen. 157), pp.
^page 147 note 2 Cf. “Buddha und Jesus,” op. cit., passim.
Rivière Jean. Dr J.-B. Aufhauser, Buddha und Jesus in ihren Paralleltexten, 1926 ; ; Dans la collection Kleine Texte de H. Lietzmann. In: Revue des Sciences Religieuses,
tome 8, fascicule 4, 1928. pp. 638-639.
The latter reference seems to be a re-publication of what was originally planned to be a series of worksheets for didactic purposes.
That extra detail is helpful. Thanks. If I had a spare 100 Euro I could pick up a copy via amazon: — or for around $A200 a copy via
There are numerous entries at, too. But no holdings in Australia.
I’m happy to let that one escape me. Michael Lockwood or Rene Salm may well have it or at least cite it in one of their works.
Mark Lidzbarski was one of the leading scholars of the subjecy of Mandaism around the time of WW I. He translated the Ginza, the principal body of Mandaic literature, in Ginzâ: Der Schatz oder das große Buch der Mandäer.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1978. Reprint (Neudruck der Auflage von 1925). Hardcover. 4to. xvii,619,[2]pp. Black cloth with gold lettering on cover and spine.
Mandaeism is a monotheistic religion with a strongly dualistic world view. Its adherents, the mandaeans (Sabians) revere Adam, Abel, Seth, Enosh, Noah, Shem, Aram and
especially John the Baptist. They have a large corpus of religious scriptures, the most important of which is the Genzâ Rabbâ or Ginzâ, a collection of history, theology,
and prayers. Translated with contributions by Mark Lidzbarski. Text in German. Minor staining on cloth. Tight copy with binding in very good, interior in fine condition. vg.
Item #26323
Price: $175.00
(from the site of book-seller Eric Kline)
and suddenly, the reprint of Adam Abt sounds so cheap …
The following site promises a free download:
“Indianermärchen aus Nordamerika” could be by Walter Krickeberg (Diedrichs, Jena 1924).
The same publisher also released “Märchen aus Turkestan und Tibet”, edited by one Gustav Jungbauer, in 1923; which could be the same as “Turkestan. Märchen”
That makes it locatable. Thanks again.
On to Mullenhoff:
Karl Müllenhoff Sagen, Märchen und Lieder der herzogtümer Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg.
It contains folk-lore from the northmost region of Germany. The online-version I found contains no page numbers, so I could not find the cited location.
This book appears to be online at
Just came across this.
Interesting that he happens to be a sun god.
One more for the list. Walking on or running across water appears to have been a common pasttime in the ancient world.