Continue reading “For fundamentalists only: Isaiah 53 in context”
For fundamentalists only: Isaiah 53 in context

Musings on biblical studies, politics, religion, ethics, human nature, tidbits from science
I have to confess I could not resist reading Archer and Moloney’s Gospel According to Judas — damn temptation! Continue reading “Archer and Moloney’s Judas Gospel still not quite right”
There are two passages in Josephus that refer to Jesus Christ. The first one in Book 18 of his “Antiquities of the Jews” is widely known as the Testimonium Flavianum (TF) (=the testimony of Flavius Josephus). Another, in Book 20, is a briefer reference but it is cited in major works as authentic to Josephus, and not the work of a Christian scribe. It’s this latter reference under discussion here. Continue reading “That other suspect entry in Josephus”
Can’t resist linking one of me favourites from Monty Python here at this time of year.
Even better that the Brobdingnagian Bards let us play the happy tune for free. Check out: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life (from Monty Python) Continue reading “Seasons Greetings from Life of Brian”