I should have included a column for the gospel according to Ignatius in my earlier post on the Gospel according to the Ascension of Isaiah. Better late than never:
Ascension of Isaiah3:13-18 9:5, 13-17 11:2-22 |
IgnatiusSmyrneans 1-2 Trallians 9:1-2 Ephesians 19:1-3 |
Gospel of Peter |
Infancy Gospel of James (Prot-
JustinFA=First Apology |
Elisabeth mother of John the Baptist hid in a mountain to protect him from Herod 22:3
Elisabeth mother of John the Baptist
DT84 |
No angel appears to Mary to explain to her why she is pregnant |
Gabriel’s announcement to Mary; “Be it according to thy word” 11:2; 12:2 |
Gabriel’s announcement to Mary; “Be it according to thy word”
DT100 |
Isaiah is told in his heavenly ascent that he will be called Jesus and Christ
9:5, 13 |
Angel to virgin: …call his name Jesus for he shall save from sins 11:3 |
Angel to virgin: …call his name Jesus for he shall save from sins
FA33 |
“Born” of virgin Mary — but Jesus suddenly appears in front of Mary and she is no longer pregnant — no actual birth is described
11:13 |
“Truly” born from a virginSmyr 1-2Son of MaryTrall 9:1-2 |
Born of virgin Mary 19:3 |
Born of virgin
DT23,63,66,71,84,85 |
He will be appear like and be thought to be a man
9:13 |
“Truly” flesh | No human generation
DT32, 43 FA51 Not descended from men, seed not from humans DT63, 68 |
Mary was of family of “David the Prophet”
11:2 |
Jesus was “truly” from family of David “according to flesh” Smyr 1-2
Mary was of family of David
10:1 |
Mary was of house of David DT76 |
Joseph, a carpenter, was also of family of “righteous David”
11:2 |
Joseph “came into his lot” and Mary was “espoused” to him.
11:3 |
Joseph was chosen by lot to marry Mary 9:1; 19:1 |
Joseph wanted to put Mary away, but an angel appeared to him and changed his mind. Kept it a secret from everyone.
11:3-4 |
Joseph wanted to put Mary away; a dream changed this 14:1-2 |
Joseph wanted to put Mary away; a dream changed this DT78 |
Census from Augustus 17:1 |
Census under Quirinius/Cyrenius FA34 |
Joseph left home — no reference to Nazareth — for Bethlehem 17:1-2 |
Joseph left home in Nazareth to enrol in Bethlehem, since he was of the tribe of Judah in that region
DT78 |
In Asc. Isa. Mary is “born” in a house |
Joseph found a cave for Mary; set his sons to protect her while he went to search Bethlehem for a midwife 18:1 |
No lodging room at Bethlehem
So found a cave near village there DT78 |
After two months, still a virgin, and with both Joseph and Mary alone in Joseph’s house in Bethlehem, Mary was astonished to suddenly saw a small babe in front of her, and she was still a virgin with her womb restored as before.
11:7-9 |
Herod learns Christ is to be born in Bethlehem 21:2 |
Jesus born at Bethlehem
FA34 |
Joseph could not understand Mary’s astonishment until his eyes “were opened” and then he, too, saw the child.
A voice came to them both, “Tell this vision to no one.” 11:10-11 |
But people nonetheless heard that a child had been born. But they were all confused with different accounts of what had happened: “they were all blinded respecting Him and they all knew regarding Him, though they knew not whence He was.”
11:12-14 |
To hide the child from Herod Mary wrapped him in swaddling clothes and put him in an ox manger 22:2 |
Jesus placed in manger
DT78 |
Star told Magi that a king had been born in Judea 21:2 |
Star told Magi that a king had been born in Judea
DT78 |
Magi are from the East 21:1 |
Magi in/from Arabia
DT78 |
Magi came to worship Jesus 21:2 |
Magi come to worship him at his birth | |||
Magi first see Herod 21:2 |
Magi first see Herod | |||
The wise men and high priests tell Herod Christ is to be born in Bethlehem 21:2 |
Herod learns from elders Christ to be born in Bethlehem | |||
Magi present him with gold, frank, myrrh 21:3 |
Magi present him with gold, frank, myrrh
DT78 |
Not to go through Judea, Herod tricked 21:4 |
Warned in dream not to return to Herod
DT78 |
Herod plotted to kill him 22:1 |
Herod plotted to kill him
DT102 |
Herod killing all children, including seeking John the Baptist 22-23 |
With Jesus in Egypt Herod massacred children in Bethlehem born at same time
DT103 – Jeremiah’s prophecy |
Rama = Arabia- thus fulfilled prophecy to take power of Damascus and spoils of Samaria – releasing power of demon over Magi at his birth
DT78 |
Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Nazareth in Galilee. . . .
Joseph in Egypt till another vision told him to return to Judea
DT78 |
All of this happened unknown to all the heavens, princes and gods of this world.
11:16 |
Mary’s virginity and child-bearing were hidden from the Ruler of the Age
Eph19:1-3 |
In Nazareth he “sucked the breast as a babe as is customary in order that he might not be recognized.”
11:17 |
Jesus ate and drank
Trall 9:1-2 |
Jesus escaped notice of others till adult
FA35 |
Baptized by John
Smyr 1-2
John heralded Jesus; Jesus entered Jordan and fire blazed around | |||
Once an adult he performed miracles in the land of Israel and Jerusalem.
11:18 |
Jesus came to Jews, healed the maimed, deaf, lame from birth, blind, raised the dead
DT69, FA48,31 |
He taught twelve disciples
3:13 |
The demonic power saw him performing signs and envied him so stirred up the children of Israel against him. . . not knowing who he was.
11:19 |
Seized and crucified on Passover
DT111 |
The children of Israel delivered him to the king
11:19 |
Arrested at night at Mt Olives by those sent by Pharisees and Scribes
DT103 |
Herod and Jews use Pilate to cover their plot 8(28-30), 11(47-49) |
Pilate, Herod, Jews, Roman soldiers conspired against Christ
FA40 |
Herod and his judges and Jews sentenced him to crucifixion 1(1-2) |
Jewish synagogue sentenced him to crucifixion
DT104 |
Herod responsible for crucifixion; pierced by Jews, synagogue of wicked, under Pilate 1-7(1-25) |
Herod responsible for crucifixion; pierced by Jews, synagogue of wicked, under Pilate
DT32,85,104 FA13 |
Persecuted and tortured by children of Israel
3:13 |
Truly persecuted in the days of Pilate and Herod
Smyr 1-2 |
Scourged 3(9) |
DT89 |
Truly nailed in the flesh
Smyr 1-2 |
Jews pierce their king 1-7(1-25) |
Jews pierce their king
DT14,32,64,97,98,104,118, FA13 |
the day before the sabbath
3:13 crucified him on a tree in Jerusalem 11 He descended to the angel of Sheol 11:19 |
Truly crucified
Trall 9:1-2 |
Crucified on tree
DT15 |
The Twelve who were with him were offended because of him
11:14 |
After crucified, all acquaintances and disciples denied him and forsook him and dispersed 7(26) |
After crucified, all acquaintances and disciples denied him and forsook him and dispersed
FA50 DT53 |
Those who crucified him shook head, distorted lips, twisted noses to each other, mocking his claim: “He was the Son of God….!” 3(9) |
Those who crucified him shook head, distorted lips, twisted noses to each other, mocking his claim: “He was the Son of God….!”
DT101 |
On cross: “My power” in place of “My God” 5(19) |
On cross: “Oh my God why have you forsaken me”
DT99 |
On cross till buried at evening 2(5) 5(15) 6(22-23) |
On cross till buried at evening
DT97 104 |
nails pierced hands 6(21) |
Nails pierced hands and feet
DT97,104 |
Garments parted/lots 4(12) |
Garments parted/lots
DT 97, 104 |
A watch was placed on his sepulchre
11:14 |
Soldiers kept watch over sepulchre
9(35) |
Christ’s reign begins with his death
DT 73, FA 41 |
After the third day he rose again
11:21 |
Truly raised from the dead
Trall 9:1-2 |
Resurrected Sunday first day of week
DT 41 |
Gabriel and Michael descend and open the sepulchre and escort the Beloved sitting on their shoulders
3:16-17 |
Two men descend from heaven, roll back the stone, and supporting Jesus bring him out of the tomb.
36-40 |
He remained some days 11:21 | On resurrection Sunday taught his disciples weekly church meetings, the eucharist, Sunday prayers, readings, handouts for poor
FA 65-67 cf. DT 51 |
Christ gave believers bread & cup — These were to remind he had been flesh
DT70 |
He sent out the Twelve Apostles
11:22 who taught all nations of the cross, the resurrection and ascension. 3:18 |
The apostles went out from Jerusalem to preach about him
FA39, 49 |
Ascended to heaven — his glory recognized by heavenly powers
11:22 |
He was made known to heavenly powers by a great star brighter than sun and moon
Eph19:1-3 (Christ’s reign begins from this moment) |
Ascended to heaven
FA51, 46 |
Neil Godfrey
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