After all the elites mocking Jeremy Corbyn us unelectable:
- comparing his appointment to the head of the Labour Party as absurd as Caligula’s nomination of a horse as a consul;
- comparing him with the made emperor Caligula himself;
- to Tiberius and others;
- with Brian in the Monty Python film;
- with Tony Blair himself expressing utter bafflement how anyone could imagine Corbyn as a national leader
- with a Labour Party campaign director pleading for anyone except Corbyn to lead;
and after the intense attack on Corbyn by the mainstream media:
(both images from Norton and Blumenthal) . . . .
It turns out that an astonishing number of people really are acquiring a hope that a more equitable society is possible, that it really is a good idea for public utilities and national health services to be publicly owned, that free education is the right of everyone, that wars should be settled by political means. Neoliberal elites cannot understand such sentiments; and even many of the commentaries I have read on Corbyn’s dramatic success in changing the landscape of British politics seem still as bewildered as ever: Corbyn was “just a crazy populist” and those who voted for him don’t have any idea that without the neoliberal market driven provision of “goods and services” we all be doomed! People should listen more attentively to their “elitist betters”.
It’s been a long, long, wait to see such possibilities in the political landscape once again.