I have removed several comments from “Deane” of the Remnants of Giants blog from the comments sections here, and have placed all further posts from this person on moderation. This is because when I asked him to refrain from using foul language he has responded by injecting even more varieties of four letter crudities into his replies.
So these are the “honeys” adored by the likes of Maurice Casey’s fans. Charming.
Neil Godfrey
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Twice now I have attempted to post a comment on Deane’s Remnants of Giants blog in order to clear my name of an accusation posted there about me, and twice my attempt has been denied by that blog’s moderator. The gist of what I have attempted to post is here.
For completeness of record, Deane has addressed my views on another blog before: http://vridar.wordpress.com/2010/12/01/two-misunderstandings-in-biblical-studies-the-nature-of-scepticism-and-evidence/
This is an unpleasant topic but it does appear that Dr Maurice Casey’s doctoral student, Stephanie Louise Fisher, who used to comment here regularly, is continuing to post mischief about me personally, and most recently on R. Joseph Hoffmann’s blog.
I have replied with this comment and hopefully it will pass moderation and be allowed to appear there:
http://rjosephhoffmann.wordpress.com/2011/04/23/of-implicit-atheism-an-easter-meditation/#comment-2873 (Steph’s response)
I hope Steph is wrong about Casey, namely that he intends to “refute mythicists.” His time would be much better spent constructing a case against the arguments, not the people who make them. Even better, perhaps he could have a go at constructing an argument for historicity that doesn’t rely on conjecture and assumption.
Casey relies on junk scholarship, such as his claim that we should accept that Matthew was a tax-collector, because the author of ‘Matthew’ would not have added that detail ‘…unless he had a good source for it. We should therefore accept this.’ (!)
Amazing. Does Casey have any standards, even low ones?
How does Casey know that one of the Twelve took notes on Jesus during the ministry? Casey knows that happened because ‘it is entirely natural’ that somebody would do such a thing.
It is also ‘entirely natural’ that the teachers in Hogwarts would write school reports about Harry and Hermione.
We should therefore accept any school reports which appear.
This is junk scholarship by Casey, who does not deserve a place in a British University which is about to charge its students at least 6000 pounds a year in tuition fees.
‘It is natural’ is not a way of establishing the existence of a tax-collecting , note-taking disciple of Jesus.
First, start with the evidence, rather than claim that is ‘natural’ that such a person would have existed, therefore such a person must have existed.
Steven, your problem is you do not understand Aramaic. I am told I am off target with my criticisms of Casey’s arguments for this reason.
Presumably no-one can understand Casey’s arguments in his “Jesus of Nazareth” unless they first learn Aramaic for themselves. Casey’s publisher made a mistake in releasing the book for a wider audience. It would have been confined to its real target audience, the only ones who could appreciate it, if it were written in Aramaic itself.
I could always try to learn Aramaic, but even if I reach the level of being bilingual, Casey points out that bilingual speakers are often ‘not fully competent’.
Unlike Casey, of course, who is fully competent in Aramaic, in stark contrast to the author of ‘Mark’ who had trouble with wax tablets that Casey knows were ‘legible’ and ‘accurate’ wax tablets, and not in the slightest a figment of Casey’s imagination.
Casey is a world expert on translating Greek documents back into their original Aramaic, although, for some unaccountable reason, Steph Fisher has never given the name of a single Greek document that Casey has successfully produced the Aramaic for, despite repeated requests.
Not only has the Emperor got no clothes, but his tailor has described himself as a world-expert on making clothes, without ever producing a single garment!
I’m reminded of the old Unix source comment, just before some particularly hairy kernel code:
/* You are not expected to understand this. */
Casey’s writings cannot be understood by anyone who reads Casey’s writings; they must be accepted on faith.
A recent summary says http://euangelizomai.blogspot.com/2011/04/response-to-maurice-casey-on-jesus-as.html
‘Third, in person Casey is very charming and personable chap. So I must say that I find it rather disappointing then that in book reviews he is rather ad hominum in his review of “evangelical” scholars.’