Marcion’s Gospel, its character and contents

Continuing my notes from Tyson’s Marcion and Luke-Acts: A Defining Struggle . . . . Tertullian’s entire fourth book attacking Marcion is a comparison of Marcion’s gospel with canonical Luke. Marcion’s opponents never accused Marcion of adding to the Gospel of Luke, but only of omitting sections and changing the wording in places. Knox compared … Continue reading “Marcion’s Gospel, its character and contents”

The Troubled “Quiet” before the Jewish Diaspora’s Revolt against Rome: 116-117 C.E.

After having frequently questioned the claims that the first Jewish War that began under Nero and ended with the destruction of the Jerusalem temple in 70 CE was motivated by messianic hopes, it is time for me to state where I believe evidence for popular enthusaism for the advent of a messiah does emerge. It … Continue reading “The Troubled “Quiet” before the Jewish Diaspora’s Revolt against Rome: 116-117 C.E.”

§ 12. Echo of the dispute about the first Sabbath violation

Critique of the Gospel of John by Bruno Bauer —o0o— 265 § 12. Echo of the dispute about the first Sabbath violation. Ch 7. ————— 1) The time of the Lord. 7:1-9. The last time Jesus withdrew from Judea to Galilee, the evangelist, contrary to his custom, omitted to state the reason for this withdrawal. … Continue reading “§ 12. Echo of the dispute about the first Sabbath violation”

§ 7. Jesus in Samaria

Critique of the Gospel of John by Bruno Bauer —o0o— 126 § 7. Jesus in Samaria. 4:1-42. ————– 1) Reason for the departure from Judea. 4:1-3. When Jesus leaves Judea and goes to Galilee, according to the view of the evangelist, it is always for a special reason; this time it happens because the Pharisees … Continue reading “§ 7. Jesus in Samaria”

§ 67. The Confession of Peter

Critique of the Gospel History of the Synoptics by Bruno Bauer Volume 3 —o0o— Critique of the Gospel History  of the  Synoptics and John by Bruno Bauer. Third and final volume. Brauuschweig: Friedrich Otto. 1842 1 Eleventh section. The express revelation of Jesus as the Messiah. ————— § 67. The Confession of Peter. At last, … Continue reading “§ 67. The Confession of Peter”

§ 42. Period of Rest

Critique of the Gospel History of the Synoptics by Bruno Bauer Volume 2 —o0o— 154 § 42. Period of Rest.   1. The Miracle. We have earned it honestly, and we certainly do not do it out of laziness when we take a moment of rest. But we must rest, and at this point, we … Continue reading “§ 42. Period of Rest”

§ 6. The Origin of the Gospel of Luke’s Infancy Narrative

Critique of the Gospel History of the Synoptics by Bruno Bauer Volume 1 —o0o— Critique of the Gospel History of the Synoptics by Bruno Bauer Volume 1 —o0o— 68 § 6. The Origin of the Gospel of Luke’s Infancy Narrative. So far we have examined the infancy narrative of the Gospel of Luke and traced … Continue reading “§ 6. The Origin of the Gospel of Luke’s Infancy Narrative”

List of Vridar Posts on the Book of Revelation

I have added a new page in the right column under Archives By Topic to allow easy access to the complete list of recent posts on Revelation presenting Thomas Witulski’s second century date for the work. The page also includes all other posts that have discussed Revelation from various perspectives. But since we’re here right … Continue reading “List of Vridar Posts on the Book of Revelation”