
Senator McCain the AntiChrist!

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by Neil Godfrey

Biblical scholars in Colorado Springs have uncovered startling evidence that Senator John McCain may be the Antichrist. Their conclusions, while highly controversial, may have a dramatic impact on the 2008 elections, since many Bible-believing Christians have already expressed doubts about McCain’s fealty to Christianity.

The analysis was conducted by the respected True Bible Society, and it will be published next month in the End Times Journal.

Check out the rest of this (only funny coz it’s true) “Election Shocker!” at its source, The Nation’s blog, The Dreyfuss Report.





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Neil Godfrey

Neil is the author of this post. To read more about Neil, see our About page.

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0 thoughts on “Senator McCain the AntiChrist!”

  1. Shucks!!!

    Here I’ve been searching Colorado for John Galt’s hidden valley of pure capitalism and find out the End Timers have the mountaintops!

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