I’ve added a new page in the side-bar:
This is the start of an attempt to gradually go over old Vridar posts and get them organized in some useful manner. We’ll see how it goes. It won’t be completed overnight, though. I’ll keep updating the “updated date” notice each time I add something new. The following post is now in the archives.
Mark’s abrupt ending compared with similar endings in Classical Literature and Jewish Scriptures
Comparing the sudden ending of Virgil’s Aeneid.
Endings of Mark/John/Acts in wider literary context
Discusses Mark’s ending in context of “Classical Closure: Reading the End in Greek and Latin Literature” edited by Deborah H. Roberts, Francis M. Dunn, and Don Fowler (1997), with specific references to abrupt endings in works of Herodotus, Euripides and Virgil.
The Elijah-Elisha Narrative and the Gospel of Mark
Mark’s ending and Masada (& Elisha)
Jewish Scriptures in Mark’s Passion and Resurrection Narratives
16:8’s allusion to Daniel
The classical ending of the tragedy of “the Gospel” of Mark
Argues that Mark’s ending at 16:8 balances the earlier themes of the gospel thus creating a perfect symmetry worthy of classical literature. Comparisons are also made with the ending of Israel’s Primary History (Genesis to 2 Kings) and again with Herodotus.
Those Odd Endings of Mark’s Gospel and Herodotus’ Histories
Just as Herodotus’ Histories shows significant similarities with the Primary History (Genesis to 2 Kings), so the apparently inconclusive endings of both may be of value in understanding Mark’s conclusion.
Was the original ending of Mark relocated to the last chapter of John?
Some have argued (e.g. Evan Powell in The Unfinished Gospel) that the original ending of the Gospel of Mark is now found (edited) in the last chapter of the Gospel of John.
Questions re John 21 being the original ending of Mark
Reasons to question this hypothesis.
Narrative problems with the proposed endings of Mark
Further reasons the John 21 fails to answer an appropriate ending of Mark.
Gospel of Mark’s ending — I give up
Revising my own thoughts on my initial doubts about John 21 containing the original ending of Mark.
Narrative symmetries and difficulties with the ending(s) of Mark
The Twelve Apostles Among the Old Wineskins?
The ending repeats a theme of disobedience found in the beginning of Mark
Narrative problems with the proposed endings of Mark
Both short and long endings raise questions.
That Mysterious Young Man in the Gospel of Mark: fleeing naked and sitting in the tomb
An argument that a baptism theme both opens and concludes the gospel of Mark.
Sifting the scholarly wheat from the pseudo-scholarly chaff
Tim Widowfield examines popular theories such as (1) the suggestion that Mark died before he finished the gospel and (2) if the short ending were true then no-one could ever have heard about the gospel . . . and shares the more rigorous scholarly arguments about the meaning of the short ending.
McGrath’s “Missing Ending”: What Was Mark’s Story? — Part 1
McGrath’s “Missing Ending”: What Was Mark’s Story? — Part 2
McGrath’s “Missing Ending”: What Was Mark’s Story? — Part 3
Dr. James F. McGrath: Conspiracy Theorist
Polemical intent of the inconclusive ending?
3 more pointers to a late date for Mark? – revised
Ted Weeden sees an anti-Peter polemic in Mark’s ending
Faint echoes with Masada
Mark’s ending and Masada (& Elisha)
The Myth and History of Masada and Jesus’ Passion
Neil Godfrey
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