
Christ Among the Messiahs (Novenson)

Posts on:

    • Novenson, Matthew V. 2012. Christ among the Messiahs: Christ Language in Paul and Messiah Language in Ancient Judaism. New York: Oxford University Press.


Christ among the Messiahs — Part 1 (2012-06-15)

Introduces the question of what the term “messiah” originally meant in the context of the “Christ” label for Jesus. A list of different scholarly views set out the problem.


Christ among the Messiahs — Part 2 (2012-06-15)

Examines what the term “messiah’ meant at the time of Paul and the earliest Christians. Surveys the texts used to refer to a messiah and that are said to define the “messianic idea”.


Christ among the Messiahs — Part 3a (2012-06-26)

Opens the question of the difference between a name and a title in the context of “Christ” being applied to Jesus.


Christ among the Messiahs — Part 3b (2012-06-27)

Concludes that “Christ” as applied by Paul to Jesus is neither a name nor a title but an “honorific”.


Christ among the Messiahs — Part 4 (2012-07-08)

Examines Paul’s particular uses of the term Christ and the questions that these raise.


Christ among the Messiahs — Part 5 (2012-07-22)

Covers Novenson’s argument that Paul’s use of the term Christ in Galatians 3 and 1 Corinthians 15 is consistent with the term as it is used in other Second Temple texts.


Christ among the Messiahs — Part 6 (2012-07-28)

Further texts (from 2 Corinthians and Romans) are examined to support the argument of the previous post.


Christ among the Messiahs — Part 7 (2012-07-29)

Texts (from 1 and 2 Corinthians and Romans) that appear at first glance to contradict Novenson’s thesis of Paul’s normative use of the term “Christ/Messiah” are examined.


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Neil Godfrey

Neil is the author of this post. To read more about Neil, see our About page.

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