updated 20th May 2008
Listed here are news sources that target Palestinian affairs, with an emphasis on the Palestinian media and viewpoints. Most are based in Palestine. Some are run by or in partnership with Palestinians living outside Palestine. One is run by “Israeli anti-occupation activists.”
I have in most cases copied a site’s blurb about who and what it is etc (They are not my own interpretations). Many of them affirm their “independent” status, but I have doubts about some, and that is a relative term anyway.
I have not included here any of the sites of excellent reporters based in the Middle East who report regularly for western and Asian media, including the Independent, Guardian, Asia Times, CounterPunch. Nor some excellent Israeli newspapers such as Haaretz. Many of these are collated daily at InformationClearingHouse. There are also many top quality alternative media sites such as ZNet and Indymedia and CommonDreams — but I have excluded these, too.
Nor have I included newspapers from non Palestinian Arab countries even though they may have excellent coverage of Palestinian issues. An excellent source of information is also found on the UNISPAL site (United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine).
Alternative Information Center (AIC)
This website is hosted by the joint Palestinian/Israeli Alternative Information Center (AIC).
AIC Mission Statement
The Alternative Information Center (AIC) is an internationally oriented, progressive, joint Palestinian-Israeli activist organization. It is engaged in dissemination of information, political advocacy, grassroots activism and critical analysis of the Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The AIC strives to promote full individual and collective social, economic, political and gender equality, freedom and democracy and a rejection of the philosophy (ideology and praxis) (weltanschauung) of separation.
The most urgent regional task is to find a just solution to the century-old colonial conflict in Palestine and confront the ongoing Israeli occupation-regime within its international framework. The AIC method of action develops from the awareness that local struggle must be practically and analytically situated within the framework of the global justice struggle.
The internal AIC structure and working relationship aims to reflect the above mentioned values.
AIC Partners
The AIC wishes to acknowledge the generous support for its activities in 2008 by: Advocacy Project, Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII, Broederlijk Delen, the Catalan Government through the help of Sodepau, Comite Catholique Contre La Faim Et Pour Le Developemment (CCFD), Diakonia, Inter-Church Organisation for Development Cooperation (ICCO), the Irish Government through the help Christian Aid and Junta Castilla-La Mancha through the help of ACSUR Las Segovias.
We would also like to extend our thanks and appreciation to all the solidarity groups and individual activists who are working hard around the world for a just peace in the region.
AMIN – Arabic Media Internet (Information?) Network
AMIN encourages constructive and thoughtful debate on issues of concern to the Palestinian public and international community. The content on AMIN does not necessarily reflect the views of Internews Middle East (IME). IME retains the right to reject content that may be perceived as racist, propagandistic or incendiary.
Bitterlemons.org is a website that presents Israeli and Palestinian viewpoints on prominent issues of concern. It focuses on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and peace process. It is produced, edited and partially written by Ghassan Khatib, a Palestinian, and Yossi Alpher, an Israeli. Its goal is to contribute to mutual understanding through the open exchange of ideas. Bitterlemons.org aspires to impact the way Palestinians, Israelis and others worldwide think about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. . . . .
Bitterlemons.org maintains complete organizational and institutional symmetry between its Palestinian and Israeli components. It draws financial support from the European Union and additional philanthropic sources based outside the region.
Leading Palestinian news and information portal and “a resource for countering myth, distortion and spin from the Israeli media war machine.”
The Electronic Intifada (EI) is a not-for-profit, independent publication committed to comprehensive public education on the question of Palestine, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the economic, political, legal, and human dimensions of Israel’s 40-year occupation of Palestinian territories. EI provides a needed supplement to mainstream commercial media representations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Launched 23 February 2001 at electronicIntifada.net as a pioneering online resource for media analysis, criticism, and activism, EI has progressively expanded its scope into new arenas: reference materials, live reporting, editorials, arts coverage, and satire, with the aim of presenting an accessible, credible, and responsible Palestinian narrative of developments on the ground to the American public and international community.
Although EI addresses the prevailing pro-Israeli slant in US media coverage by offering information from a Palestinian perspective, our views on the conflict are based firmly on universal principles of international law and human rights conventions, and our reporting is built on a solid foundation of documented evidence and careful fact-checking.
Created through the largely voluntary efforts of four well-known writers and activists for Palestinian rights — both Palestinians and internationals — the four founders of the project are Ali Abunimah, Arjan El Fassed, Laurie King-Irani, and Nigel Parry.
EI has received favorable reviews in such respected publications as the Washington Post, Financial Times, The Nation, Utne Reader, and the Jerusalem Post. EI�s founders are regularly contacted by the mainstream electronic media, such as the BBC, CBC, CNN and dozens of radio stations around the world, to provide commentary and analysis on events in the Middle East.
Friends of Al-Aqsa is a UK based non-profit making NGO concerned with defending the human rights of Palestinians and protecting the sacred al-Aqsa Sanctuary in Jerusalem. This vision is supported by various international groups and organisations. Friends of Al-Aqsa was first established in 1997 and now has an international support base.
Aims & Objectives
The following aims and objectives are being pursued using all the available peaceful, legal and democratic means:(a) Highlighting Human Rights abuses suffered by the Palestinians
(b) Putting pressure on the British government to make Israel respect International Law and human rights
(c) Bringing the Palestinian issue to the attention of those concerned with International Law, human rights and UN Resolutions
(d) Mobilising international condemnation for Israel’s apartheid policies to be manifested through the boycott of Israel
(e) Educating people on the issue of Palestine through conferences, lectures and publications
(f) Emphasising the significance and the centrality of the al-Aqsa Mosque to the Islamic faith and the Muslim identity and re-affirming the Muslim historic and religious rights to the area
(h) Working in conjunction with international heritage, cultural and humanitarian organisations in joint ventures to advance these aims
No information yet
Foundation for Middle East Peace? (still checking this one)
International Middle East Media Center (IMEMC)
includes radio streaming Radio Free Palestine
IMEMC is a media center developed in collaboration between Palestinian and International journalists to provide independent English language media coverage of Israel-Palestine.
Being a joint Palestinian-International effort, IMEMC combines Palestinian journalists’ deep understanding of the context, history, and the socio-political environment with International journalists’ skills in non-partisan reporting.
IMEMC provides fair and comprehensive coverage of events and developments in Israel-Palestine.
International Solidarity Movement
Who We Are
The International Solidarity Movement (ISM) is a Palestinian-led movement committed to resisting the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land using nonviolent, direct-action methods and principles. Founded by a small group of activists in August, 2001, ISM aims to support and strengthen the Palestinian popular resistance by providing the Palestinian people with two resources, international protection and a voice with which to nonviolently resist an overwhelming military occupation force.
Jerusalem Media & Communication Centre
JMCC was established in 1988 by a group of Palestinian journalists and researchers to provide information on events in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip.
JMCC’s Jerusalem and Ramallah offices provide a wide range of services to journalists, researchers, international agencies, individuals and organizations interested in obtaining reliable information on the Palestinian territory.Includes
- Media Unit
- Palestine Report
- Daily Press Summary
- Press Service
- Public Opinion Polls
- Polls Results
- Palestinian Opinion Pulse – POP [Polls trends analysis]
- Polls Studies [Survey based research studies]
- Research
- Research Reports
- Occasional Document Series
- Conferences
Independent Palestinian Weekly
Founded: February 1994
Through grassroots organizing, education, advocacy, and media, Jewish Voice for Peace works to achieve a lasting peace that recognizes the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination. Join us in our efforts to promote a U.S. foreign policy based on peace, democracy, human rights, and respect for international law.
JAO-Sydney (Jews Against the Occupation)
We a diverse group of Jews in Sydney, Australia, who oppose the continuing Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.
We support a non-violent negotiated settlement to the conflict. Current and earlier peace frameworks have failed to deliver justice or security for either Palestinians or Israelis.
A peaceful, just resolution cannot occur until the Israeli government withdraws all forces and settlements in line with the 1967 borders. . . . .
Jews Against the Occupation – Sydney (JAO-Sydney) was formed in May 2003 to give a clear Jewish voice in support of the national and human rights of Palestinians and a peaceful resolution of the Paletinian/Israeli conflict.
We are part of a world-wide movement among progressive Jews who are challenging increasingly conservative official Jewish community representatives in regard to Israel.
MEMRI: Palestinian Authority (Middle East Media Research Institute)
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) explores the Middle East through the region’s media. MEMRI bridges the language gap which exists between the West and the Middle East, providing timely translations of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish media, as well as original analysis of political, ideological, intellectual, social, cultural, and religious trends in the Middle East.
Founded in February 1998 to inform the debate over U.S. policy in the Middle East, MEMRI is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit, 501 (c)3 organization. MEMRI’s headquarters is located in Washington, DC with branch offices in London, Tokyo, Rome, Baghdad and Jerusalem. MEMRI research is translated to English, German, Hebrew, Italian, French, Spanish and Japanese.
The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and DemocracyThe Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy
An independent, democratic and sovereign Palestinian state, which grants Palestinians their basic rights, preserves their dignity, and enjoys international recognition and respect.
MIFTAH seeks to promote the principles of democracy and good governance within various components of Palestinian society; it further seeks to engage local and international public opinion and official circles on the Palestinian cause. To that end, MIFTAH adopts the mechanisms of an active and in-depth dialogue, the free flow of information and ideas, as well as local and international networking.
- To disseminate the Palestinian narrative and discourse globally to both official and popular bodies and decision-makers
- To empower effective leadership within all components of Palestinian society in order to enhance democracy and good governance and raise public awareness concerning the rights and responsibilities of good citizenship
- To influence policy and legislation to ensure their safeguarding of civil and social rights for all sectors and their adherence to principles of good governance
- To bolster MIFTAH’s capacity and its capability to achieve its objectives and mission efficiently and effectively
The Occupation Magazine was established in October 2004 by a group of Israeli anti-occupation activists who were disturbed by the growing discrepancy between the grim reality which they observed in the Occupied Territories , and the way in which it was (and is) reported in the main stream media. The ongoing colonization policy in the Occupied Territories is being misrepresented by the Israeli and US media as “fight against terror” and a “struggle for Israel’s existence / security”. This is while in reality, the colonization policies promote terror, and endanger the future of both nations in this country.
The aim of this website is to provide information and commentary on the ongoing developments in the Occupied Territories in Hebrew and English. The Editors of the Occupation Magazine represent a range of opinions as to the optimal solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, we are united in the belief that a viable solution must be based on the unconditional end to the Israeli military occupation, and on principles of equality, justice and mutual respect.
- The Palestine Chronicle (www.PalestineChronicle.com) is an independent online newspaper that provides daily news, commentary, features, book reviews, photos, art, etc, on a variety of subjects. However, it’s largely focused on Palestine, Israel, and the ‘Middle East’ region.
- The Palestine Chronicle is a self-sustained project involving professionals and volunteers from around the world, all striving to highlight issues of relevance to human rights, national struggles, freedom and democracy.
- The Palestine Chronicle team consists of professional journalists and respected writers and authors who don’t speak on behalf of any political party or champion any specific political agenda.
- The Palestine Chronicle website was established in September 1999 and has grown in its importance and scope of coverage mostly because of the support it received from socially conscious and progressive scholars, writers, activists, readers and communities around the world.
Latest News from WN Network
The Palestine-Israel Journal is a non-profit organization, founded in 1994 by Ziad AbuZayyad and Victor Cygielman, two prominent Palestinian and Israeli journalists, and was established concurrently with the first phases of the Oslo peace process to encourage dialogue between civil societies on both sides and broaden the base of support for the peace process. It was obvious from the start that, alongside the institutional efforts of Palestinians and Israelis, channels of communication must be opened for academics and other intellectuals, opinion and policy makers, grassroots organizations and activists to voice their views and take part in the public debate for a democratic and just solution to the conflict.
As an independent publication, with an often critical voice, the Palestine-Israel Journal provides background material and in-depth analysis of various aspects of the conflict from the perspective of both sides, thus helping to shed light on the complex issues dividing Israelis and Palestinians and the relationship between the two peoples. Through the journal, our website www.pij.org and internet newsletter, and the program of roundtables and public events that are organized in conjunction with each issue, the Palestine-Israel Journal aims:
* to promote rapprochement and better understanding between the two peoples;
* to provide a platform for Palestinians and Israelis – academics, public figures, journalists and other experts to take part in the on-going debate;
* to raise awareness, inform and clarify to a wider public within both communities about the issues at the crux of the conflict and how they impact on the lives of both peoples, from the perspective of each side;
* to foster, in a climate of constructive criticism and mutual respect, active dialogue and exchanges within and between the two civil societies.Despite the extensive media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, much of this comes in sound-bites, as immediate reaction to daily events on the ground, generally from the perspective of one of the sides only. There is therefore a need for means of communication that can increase each side’s exposure to and understanding of the other, and promote sober and meaningful exchanges between the two peoples around central issues.
The Palestine-Israel Journal is the only independent, joint publication to be produced locally, and in which the crucial issues at stake are presented from the perspective of both sides. As such, we are more convinced than ever that we have an important responsibility and role to play in maintaining open the channels for dialogue between the two peoples and providing a forum where the complex issues of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict can continue to be examined seriously, freely and critically.
Now in its 13th year, the Palestine-Israel Journal testifies to the fact that it is possible to work together in a spirit of mutual respect, cooperation and recognition, even on the most conflicting and sensitive issues. While the present situation, is economically and politically challenging for the Journal, we successfully continue to publish as a joint venture in pursuit of these aims.
Mission Statement:
1. The Palestine Media Center henceforth the (PMC) is an independent official institution established in November 2001. The PMC is under the direct supervision of PLO Executive Committee Member Mr. Yasser Abed Rabbo.
2. The decision to establish the PMC stemmed from the urgent need to provide a reliable and professional media source that will cater the media with accurate, timely and informative news relevant to the Palestinian reality.
3. The PMC will formulate a media strategy to present and transmit the official position on various issues of concern to the Palestinian cause, and reality in terms of politics, economics and culture.
4. The PMC serves as a networking agency that will be at the disposal of International and local journalists. Networking will include a dynamic coordination mechanism with officials in the Palestinian National Authority.
Independent Palestinian News Agency
The Palestine News Network was established in 2002 when it appeared on the internet for the first time. In 2003, the Holy Land Trust took PNN under its wing, pushing forth its development by creating an English-language site and giving it a new design. Later, French and Hebrew pages were added to the site.
Over time, PNN has won the confidence of the people in addition to local and international press agencies by providing quick, accurate, credible and objective news.
PNN endorses the idea of supporting and strengthening the role of the local Palestinian media through unifying news sources and publishing news bulletins simultaneously to a number of radio stations in the West Bank and Gaza. It is well known that local Palestinian radio stations lack the sufficient budgets to have a news section, editors and reporters and other financial and technical necessities.
Given that PNN has a network of professional reporters distributed throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip and since a number of these reporters work with local Palestinian radio stations, PNN decided to take on this pioneer role to strengthen and endorse the local media and hence help to build Palestinian society in reaching its utmost potential.
PNN broadcasts live 13 news bulletins per day and one full report over 13 local Palestinian radio stations in the West Bank and Gaza via satellite and on PNN’s website.
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) campaigns for justice for the Palestinians. We also advocate for Palestinians’ civil, political and human rights, in accordance with international law.
PSC campaigns for an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, and calls for the right of return of Palestinian refugees.
PSC lobbies the British government to end the arms trade with Israel and to press for Israel to abide by international law, to end its illegal occupation and allow the return of refugees.
The Palestine Times is an English monthly paper issued in London temporarily.
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights
The Centre is an independent Palestinian human rights organization based in Gaza City. The Centre enjoys Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations. It is an affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists-Geneva, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) – Paris, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network – Copenhagen, Arab Organization for Human Rights – Cairo, and International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC) Stockholm. It is a recipient of the 1996 French Republic Award on Human Rights and the 2002 Bruno Kreisky Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Area of Human Rights. The Centre was established in 1995 by a group of Palestinian lawyers and human rights activists in order to:
bulletProtect human rights and promote the rule of law in accordance with international standards.
bulletCreate and develop democratic institutions and an active civil society, while promoting democratic culture within Palestinian society.
bulletSupport all the efforts aimed at enabling the Palestinian people to exercise its inalienable rights in regard to self-determination and independence in accordance with international Law and UN resolutions.
The work of the Centre is conducted through documentation and investigation of human rights violations, provision of legal aid and counseling for both individuals and groups, and preparation of research articles relevant to such issues as the human rights situation and the rule of law. The Centre also provides comments on Palestinian Draft Laws and urges the adoption of legislation that incorporates international human rights standards and basic democratic principles. To achieve its goals, the Centre has recruited a committed staff of well-known human rights lawyers and activists.
Palestinian Information Center
Comprehensive daily coverage of the conflict from from the Hamas point of view.
Palestinian Media Watch was established in 1996 to gain an understanding of Palestinian society through the monitoring of the Palestinian Arabic language media and schoolbooks. Palestinian Media Watch analyzes Palestinian Authority culture and society from numerous perspectives, including studies on summer camps, poetry, schoolbooks, religious ideology, crossword puzzles, and more.
Palestinian Media Watch has been playing the critical role of documenting the contradictions between the image the Palestinians present to the world in English and the messages to their own people in Arabic. The world’s view of the Palestinian Authority, to a significant degree, is the result of Palestinian Media Watch research.
Itamar Marcus is director of Palestinian Media Watch.
Mr. Marcus was also the Director of Research for the Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace from 1998 – 2000, writing studies on Palestinian, Jordanian, and Syrian school textbooks.
Mr. Marcus was a member of the Israeli delegation to the Tri-lateral [American, Israeli and Palestinian] Committee to Monitor Incitement, established under the Wye Accords.
Palestinian Media Watch prepared the material for the Israeli delegation that was submitted at these negotiations
Official Palestinian news agency.
Other daily news sources which include a special focus on Palestine
Al-Bab aims to introduce non-Arabs to the Arabs and their culture. Western explorers of the 18th and 19th centuries portrayed the Arab world as a strange, exotic and sometimes terrifying place. Al-Bab seeks to portray the Arab world neither as an object of fear nor as a cultural curiosity – fascinating though it may be.
- It tries to look beyond the strange or exotic, to show the Arab world as it is and to explain, as simply as possible, how it has become what it is.
- It tries to seek out the points of interaction with other cultures rather than the differences; the ways in which the Arab world has influenced other cultures or been influenced by them.
- It tries, too, to celebrate the achievements of Arab culture and to discuss its failings openly.
Al-Bab consists mainly of links to other sites and pages on the internet but also contains some original material. The links are presented in an organised, structured way which is intended to make information easy to find.
Al Bawaba is one of the most dynamic companies in the Middle East today, and is making a real difference in the Arab world. The company brings together unique and unmatched abilities in information, media and technology, providing its widespread audience and its distinguished clients with outstanding services.
CONTENT: Al Bawaba is the largest independent content producer in the Middle East, and provides daily news feeds to the world’s top international publishers, including Reuters, Financial Times, and Dow Jones. . . .
Al Jazeera English, the 24-hour English-language news and current affairs channel, headquartered in Doha. Al Jazeera English is the world’s first global English language news channel to be headquartered in the Middle East. From this unique position, Al Jazeera English is destined to be the English-language channel of reference for Middle Eastern events, balancing the current typical information flow by reporting from the developing world back to the West and from the southern to the northern hemisphere. The channel gives voice to untold stories, promotes debate, and challenges established perceptions.
With broadcasting centers in Doha, Kuala Lumpur, London and Washington DC and supporting bureaux world-wide, the channel will set the news agenda, bridging cultures and providing a unique grassroots perspective from underreported regions around the world to a potential global audience of over one billion English speakers.
The station broadcasts news, current affairs, features, analysis, documentaries, live debates, entertainment, business and sport. Building on Al Jazeera Arabic channel’s ground breaking developments in the Arab and Muslim world that have changed the face of news within the Middle East, Al Jazeera English is part of a growing network that is now
extending this fresh perspective from regional to global through accurate, impartial and objective reporting.
The Center for Cross-Cultural Understanding was established on May 23, 2007 by Dr. Hassan El-Najjar to promote peace in the world through education. Authors, contributors, journalists, and readers who cooperated with Dr. El-Najjar in the past five years (2002-2007) are welcome to resume their noble efforts of promoting peace in the world through education.
Big News Network (Mostly mainstream news sources collated here)
Big News Network.com is a specialist online news service, constantly updating around 400 categories of news on an hourly basis.
Our news is collated from our own resources, major news originators, contracted services, localised sources, World class newspapers, government media, press releases, international and regional tv (cable & free-to-air) networks, radio stations, and official bodies.
We scan the World’s media, select, and edit headlines for production on our network of news sites, and for distribution to the World Wide Web. We provide content for portals, and Web sites, spanning more than 80 countries.
EINNEWS.com (Mostly mainstream news sources collated here)
EIN News is the news of the world to be read in any format you would like it in. It is a conglomeration of over 40,000 news sections of current event publications that are searchable by country, industry, topic and interest. It is currently being used as a resource for journalists, analysts, industry professionals and others who need to follow the latest developments in every country’s economy, business, industries, politics, international relations as well as human rights, religion, terrorism, and much more.
Scanning more than 35,000 news sections from over 5,000 newspapers and online publications and indexing nearly 80,000 new articles every 24 hours, EIN News provides the most comprehensive and up-to-the-minute information available on the web regarding world affairs.
Inside Middle East (Mostly mainstream news sources collated here)
Part Inside World
Welcome to your portal, IslamOnline.net, which was created for you and is enriched by your presence and becomes more effective the more you visit. At IslamOnline.net we strive to provide you with all the information you need about Islam and its civilizations, the universe and its changes, current affairs and their analyses, and general information and services that one cannot do without in the 21st century.
IslamOnline.net aims to present the unified and lively nature of Islam that is keeping up with modern times in all areas.
Our motto is: credibility and distinction
Our goal is for IslamOnline.net to be worthy of your trust. To reach our goal, experts from all over the world and from all religions, ethnicities, and cultures specializing in politics, economics, the media, sociology, technology, the arts, and other fields are being engaged as contributors, writers, and consultants.
The articles, consultations, and juristic views and opinions found on this portal, however, and unless clearly stated otherwise, represent only the views of their authors. IslamOnline.net has established itself as a forum for open discussion and free thinking but cannot be held responsible for the views represented in its many pages.
The Internet has created a realm of opportunities for communication. We pledge to take advantage of these opportunities to achieve the highest levels of integrity, precision in content and creative professionalism in design. We work hard so that IslamOnline.net’s content, information, and ideas are presented professionally to gain the distinction that will make it credible and attractive.
Our Mission:
To create a unique, global Islamic web portal that provides services to Muslims and non-Muslims in several languages.
To become a reference for everything that deals with Islam, its sciences, civilization and nation.
To have credibility in content, distinction in design, and a sharp and balanced vision of humanity and current events.
NewsNow – Israel/Palestine (Mostly mainstream news sources collated here)
Collated news stories are literally “flagged” to show their country of origin. (vridar note)
is the only Arabic News Agency in the Middle East offering full service support to TV stations for all of their news-gathering, production and satellite transmission requirements in Palestine and Israel.
Zawya is the leading Middle East business information company serving the high-end business and financial professional community. Headquartered in Dubai, Zawya has sales and support offices in Lebanon, Kuwait, Malaysia and Singapore serving a global user base of over 212,000 high end business professionals.
Zawya covers detailed information on the top 10,000 companies in the Middle East with comprehensive live news coverage through the exclusive Zawya Dow Jones newswire service. Furthermore, the service provides industry news, macroeconomic reports, country statistics, stock market data as well as specialized databases such as IPO, Sukuk and Private Equity monitors.
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