
BRUNO BAUER: Criticism of the Pauline Epistles – in English: TOC

Criticism of the Pauline Epistles

3 sections in one volume


  1. B. Bauer

Berlin, 1852

Published by Gustav Hempel

Reprint 1972 – Scientia Verlag Aalen

Machine translated by Neil Godfrey from https://archive.org/details/kritikderpaulini0000baue/page/n81/mode/2up – March 2023


First Section

The Origin of the Letter to the Galatians

Preface__________________________________________________Page 3

Introduction (1:6-10)________________________________________ ” 8

The Call of the Apostle (1:11-16)_______________________________ ” 13

The Apostle’s Relationship with Jerusalem (1:17-2:14)_______________” 15

The Theme of the Letter (2:15-21)______________________________ ” 27

Doctrinal Controversy (3:1-4:31)________________________________” 33

Exhortations and Conclusion (5-6)_______________________________” 57

Second Section

Origin and Composition of the First Letter to the Corinthians

Introduction (1:1-9)___________________________________________Page 3

Factions in the Church (1:10-4:21)________________________________ ” 6

Concerning Immorality (5:1-6:20)_________________________________” 34

Concerning Food Offered to Idols (8:7)______________________________” 42

Concerning Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols (8:8-11:1)__________________” 48

Concerning the Lord’s Supper (11:2-34)_____________________________” 62

Concerning Speaking in Tongues (12:1-14)___________________________” 66

The Resurrection (15)____________________________________________” 70

Conclusion (16)_________________________________________________” 74

Third and Final Section.

The Second Letter to the Corinthians________________________________Page 3

The Letter to the Romans___________________________________________” 47

The Pastoral Letters________________________________________________” 77

The Letters to the Thessalonians______________________________________” 89

The Letters to the Ephesians and Colossians_____________________________” 101

The Letter to the Philippians__________________________________________” 110

Conclusion________________________________________________________” 118


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Neil Godfrey

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