
absent with leave

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by Neil Godfrey

for a few days at a work retreat. Continuing to add the We-passages segments will have to wait for resumption till next week it seems.

It’s nice to be able to share a few of the things I’ve read and learned from others the last few years. A damn shame that so much of this sort of scholarship rarely reaches the mainstream. At least the new web can begin to make some inroads in that direction. Sad to see some of the prominent biblical scholars reacting to this with expressions of disgust, intellectual bullying and with one even asserting online that those not schooled in their ways should not even be allowed to read some of their books!

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Neil Godfrey

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One thought on “absent with leave”

  1. “with one even asserting online that those not schooled in their ways should not even be allowed to read some of their books!”

    That’s akin to the assertion that if you don’t believe in the Bible, you have no right to quote it in discussions of its contents. Which assertion I have heard far too many times.

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